Articolo originale: QUI
La gente in K-Dramaland legge molto, specialmente gli uomini. Quindi vedere scaffali di libri in casa di qualcuno non è uno spettacolo raro.
Ecco alcuni libri letti da K-Dramaland di cui alcuni sono diventati bestseller.
- Austen, Jane (1813) Pride and Prejudice -– Pride and Prejudice-2
- Behrendt,Greg & Tuccillo,Liz (2004) He’s Just Not That Into You -– Marriage Not Dating
- Carroll, Lewis (1865) Alice in Wonderland -– Secret Garden
- Coelho, Paulo (2013) The Magical Moment -– Witch’s Romance
- Dante Alighieri (1321) The Devine Comedy — The Legendary Witch-15
- Daudet, Alphonse: Alphonse Daudet Selected Stories -– My Spring Days
- Daudet, Alphonse (1969): Lettres de mon moulin -– Father I’ll Take Care of You (2016-16). Han Sung-Joon (Lee Tae-Hwan) reads his favorite essay “The Stars” – which is published in this book – to crush and aspiring writer Oh Dong-Hee (Park Eun-Bin) at the Forest of Wisdom [지혜의숲] — Library in episode 27. He also tells her about the writing difficulties of Hemingway and Murakami to ease her fear of writing.
- Ekuni Kaori, Tsuji Hitonari Between Calm and Passion [Naengjung-gwa Yeoljeong Sa-i] — Plus Nine Boys
- Greive, Bradley Trevor (2005): The Blue Day Book [누구에게나-우울한-날은-있다] -– Valid Love-1
- Hardy, Thomas (1891): Tess of the D’Urbervilles — Love Detective Sherlock K-1
- Hesse, Herman (1919): Demian -– Producer-5
- Jeong Yu-jeong (2015): Sieben Jahre Nacht — Kim Min-Joon reads this book in episode 5 of Mad Dog (2017)
- Müller, Max F. (1902): Memories: A Story of German Love — Glorious Temptation-5
- Proust, Marcel: Finding Lost Time [In Search of Lost Time] — Bubblegum-10
- Rinser, Luise (1956): Nina — Second Time Twenty Years Old-16
- Ryu Shi-hwa – Love of the ONe-Eyed Fish [류시화 시집](Anthology of Korean Poet Ryu Shi-hwa) — The Time We Were Not in Love -1
- Schumpeter (1912) Theory of Economic Development (mentioned in an university class) — Five Children-15
- Tolstoy, Leo (1877): Anna Karenina — Because It’s the First Time-8; Jang Yoo-Sun (Lee Il-Hwa) reads this book in episode 6 of Chief Kim (2017).
- Turgenev, Ivan (1860): First Love — Glamorous Temptation-7
- Yūichi Kimura (1994): Arashi no Yoru ni [One Stormy Night] -– Master’s Sun
- Ziegler, Jean (2000): La faim dans le monde expliquée à mon fils [왜 세계의 절반은 굶주리는가?] — Secret Garden [more]
- 김남일 (2010): 천재토끼 차상문 — Secret Garden [more]
- 진동규 (1999): 아무렇지도 않게 맑은 날 — Secret Garden
- 홍영철 (1995): 가슴속을 누가 걸어가고 있다 — Secret Garden (on Kim Joo-Won’s bookshelf)
- 황동규 (2003): 우연에 기댈 때도 있었다 — Secret Garden (on Kim Joo-Won’s bookshelf)
- 황인숙 (1998): 나의 침울한 소중한 이여 — Secret Garden (on Kim Joo-Won’s bookshelf)
- 김성규 (2008): 너는 잘못 날아왔다 — Secret Garden (on Kim Joo-Won’s bookshelf)
- A Charming Adolescence — Reply 1988-7
- A Hand to You — High School Love On
- A Love that One Can Show is Actually Quite Small — Reply 1988-15
- A Time of Famine — Endless Love
- Cinderella — Oh My Venus-2
- Dating Caféteria — Oh My Venus-10
- The History of England –- Pinocchio
- Poem Collection: When I look at a wheel, I want to roll them — Kill Me, Heal Me-13
- Popular Remedies For Colon-Related Troubles — Reply 1988-16
- Succeeding at Employment — Cheese in a Trap-10
- The Populace’s Outcry. The history of the Korean People — Reply 1988-5
- Writing Down Today’s Joys (This is not a book really, but a daily notebook where you write down happy moments) — Second Time Twenty Years Old-16
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